Hepworth Acoustics

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Sound Insulation Testing

Changes to the Building Regulations for England and Wales that were introduced in 2003, mean that new and converted residential developments must comply with stringent sound insulation requirements. The changes introduced a requirement for approved test bodies to carry out pre-completion testing (PCT) of actual sound insulation performance between dwellings in some new build developments and and in all converted buildings.

Approved Document E of the Building Regulations contains the required sound insulation standards with reference to noise indices such as DnT,w + Ctr and L'nT,w. Fortunately, our clients do not need to understand the complexities of these indices, as we are able to deal with all of the technicalities of the Building Regulations requirements.

The company provides a full service which can include checking the initial design for compliance with the Regulations and inspecting the construction to ensure that the sound insulation will be achieved in practice. This service will ensure that there are no surprises arising shortly before completion and handover of the property.

We are approved under the Association of Noise Consultants Registration Scheme for carrying out sound insulation testing, so our reports and ANC certification will satisfy the Building Control Officer and demonstrate compliance with the standards.

Since 2003, we have carried out over 5,000 sound insulation tests, and on the rare occasions when we have not been involved at the design stage, and a construction has failed to meet the requirements, we have been able to recommend successful remedial works.

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