Planning & Licensing

Planning & Licensing icon

Many projects now require environmental noise assessments to be submitted with a planning application. Some local authorities will not register planning applications until a noise report has been submitted. The need for noise assessments stretches from the largest infrastructure projects down to planning applications for a single item of external plant. In addition to planning requirements, licensed premises will often require a noise report to obtain a licence, or extended trading hours, from the local authority.

For planning applications, reference is made to the National Planning Policy Framework and the associated Technical Guidance. Some local authorities will have specific noise and vibration policies in their local planning guidance. With premises licensing, there is no national guidance on noise, and little objective local policy.

We have been involved in many hundreds of planning and licensing applications over the years. Predominantly this work is for developers, but on occasions we have been appointed to work for local authorities and individuals/residents groups. Our expertise in this area allows us provide a realistic assessment of what is acceptable for new developments and what mitigation measures are required to achieve this.

At Hepworth Acoustics, we can provide the following:

  • Ambient noise surveys;

  • Vibration surveys;

  • Predictions of development generated noise and production of noise contour maps;

  • Consideration of noise from traffic generated by developments;

  • Noise assessments to appropriate standards;

  • Recommendation of noise control measures;

  • Noise reports for planning applications;

  • Preparation of noise and vibration sections for Environmental Statements; and

  • Representation at planning appeals.

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