Noise Assessments

Noise Assessment icon

We are exceptionally experienced in carrying out noise assessments, having done so for thousands of sites and developments all over the UK and beyond.

Noise assessments are carried out for a very wide variety of reasons, whether in connection with a new noisy development or a new noise-sensitive development - or possibly both!

An assessment for a new development typically involves:

  • An inspection of the site or building;

  • Noise measurements to establish the baseline;

  • Analysis of the results of the noise surveys;

  • Assessment of the development proposals using the results of the surveys alongside relevant guidance;

  • Making recommendations for noise/vibration mitigation measures where necessary; and

  • Preparation of a formal technical report of the details and findings of the assessment.

Because we have offices across the country, we have local knowledge that ensures our noise surveys and noise assessments include everything that the Local Authority will be looking for.

Looking for some advice?

Find your nearest office below or call us on 0161 242 7900